
Brand building

       Behind the brand is the guarantee of quality, Yantai Shuangta Food Co., Ltd. by grasping the source, integrity, grasp the details of three aspects to grasp product quality and build product reputation。

       Quality from the source

       In 1996, Yantai Shuangta Food Co., Ltd. suffered losses for eight consecutive years and was on the verge of bankruptcy。After Yang Junmin served as the leader of the company, in the face of such a mess, after two months of "boredom" in the factory, he created a new management plan -- "forced quality management Law".。According to common sense, the quality of fans should first start from the source of "bubble beans", and finally "packaging".。However, Yang Junmin did the opposite and launched a backward quality management system of "packaging - receiving powder - drying powder - leaking powder - pushing powder"。Implementing the new law, he will not be soft: in the whole factory staff meeting cut the appearance of the rough product packaging boxes 120。Under his decisive measures, the production situation is encouraging: the percentage of fans increased from 76% to 80%, and the monthly benefit increased by more than 50,000 yuan。Quality is the life of the enterprise, the brand is the backer of the enterprise。Yantai Shuangta Food Co., Ltd. insists on winning by quality, always puts quality in the first place, strengthens brand building, implements brand strategy, and adopts distinctive management methods。Around the quality management, the company has established and improved the quality management system, from the purchase of raw materials to the delivery of finished products, each process has formulated strict quality standards, and the quality responsibility is linked to personal wages, heavy rewards and heavy penalties, and truly achieve the quality as life。The company's cadres and staff always adhere to the concept of quality first, strictly control each process, and implement the "everything has standards, Huanhuan has norms, every piece has been seized, every piece has been implemented, and every piece has been assessed"。

       Be honest and grasp quality

       In September 2003, due to the lack of underground water, the delivery of 35 tons of fans to Australia was delayed。Some people suggest to explain the reason to the customer, the company leader said: "This batch of products into the Australian market for the first time, if the delay in delivery, the company may lose this market.。Chairman Yang Junmin immediately contacted the civil aviation department to airlift 35 tons of "Twin Towers" fans to Australia, although the company lost 150,000 yuan for this, but it laid the foundation for fans to enter the Australian market。In the face of the increasingly fierce competition in the fan industry, the company continues to increase investment and expand the production capacity of the enterprise on the basis of keeping a close eye on the market, in order to quickly seize the industry position and seize the competitive advantage。First of all, expand the production capacity, in recent years, the company has invested 1.200 million yuan, forming an annual output of 7,000 tons of sweet potato vermicelli, 5,000 tons of mung bean vermicelli, 500 tons of edible fungi production capacity。At the same time, we will accelerate the expansion of supporting bases,For good product quality from the source,The company proposed to extend the "first workshop to the field",Based on the "company + base + farmers" model,In accordance with the "five unified" requirements of "unified environmental quality, unified production management, unified product standards, unified monitoring methods, and unified product identification",A number of demonstration bases for the production of pollution-free agricultural products with high standards and high quality have been built。

       Grasp quality from details

       In 1997, the company's staff struggled to produce 70 tons of mung bean fans in one winter, but were returned by foreign investors because the fans contained impurities。And the foreign businessman said that because the company does not speak good faith, the future contract is also considered to be cancelled。

       What's the reason?Chairman Yang Junmin immediately held a quality analysis meeting, carefully analyzed each process and each production link, and set up an investigation team to go into the workshop to find the reason。The results of the investigation came out, and it was hard for everyone to imagine that the person directly responsible for the return accident was actually Lao Li, a technician who had worked in the company for more than 20 years。 Here's the thing。One day, Lao Li just went to work and saw two big POTS of starch on the workbench。These starches look a little impurities, according to the regulations should be thrown away, but Lao Li felt that it was a pity to throw away, thinking: "Such a large starch pool, put two ladle containing impurities fans customers will not find.。His hand, which has always been diligent and frugal, returned the starch containing impurities to the starch pool。

       Two spoons of starch if dumped, the loss of up to dozens of yuan, but this return, the company's loss of more than 200,000 yuan, and lost the integrity of the image。This makes Chairman Yang Junmin deeply feel the importance of integrity in the market economy。To this end, he specially convened a company-wide staff meeting。At the meeting, he said emotionally: "We shout every day that the survival of the enterprise depends on credibility and quality, but in the actual work, we always think that the quality of a little problem does not matter, as long as it is not found by customers.。Two POTS of starch give us a profound lesson ah, who makes the enterprise lose integrity in the future, we let him lose his job!”

       In order to prevent similar incidents, the company has set up a process code for each employee, so that no matter which production link has a problem, you can directly find the responsible person。Soon, another such thing happened in the company。Once, the company's quality inspector found in the acceptance, a bundle of fans into a 3 cm long packaging line, the investigation learned that this is the chairman Yang Junmin's niece。Under the watchful eyes of the public, Yang Junmin picked up scissors to wrap more than 20 boxes of fans wrapped by her niece and asked her to rework overnight。The next day, the company made a decision to withhold Yang Junmin's niece's salary bonus for the month and stay in the factory for a year。

       From two tablespoons of starch to a pair of scissors, Shuangta people understand the weight of the word "quality" in the market economy。Relying on excellent quality, "Twin Towers" fans not only sell well in the north and South, but also exported to Japan, the United States, South Korea and dozens of countries and regions。