
Public welfare undertakings

       Enterprise development does not forget to return to the society, love and responsibility has always been one of the development concepts of Yantai Shuangta Food Co., LTD., the company has been using their own practical actions to support the charity cause。


       Do a part of the enterprise, undertake a social responsibility。Since 2008, the company has carried out a series of charity activities。It started in January 2008,The company has carried out public welfare activities of "Love 2008 - Double Tower Fans large-scale charity Sale in China" in Chengdu, Chongqing and other large and medium-sized cities,Donate one dollar for every bag of product sold,All proceeds from the charity sale will be donated to the China Children's Fund,For the promotion of "Spring Bud Program" and "Health Program"。Since May 13, charity sales have been held in Shanghai, Chengdu and other places, and the proceeds have been donated to the disaster-hit areas through the China Children and Children's Fund。


       After the earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province, the company organized nearly 3,000 employees to donate money to the earthquake-stricken areas, raising a total of disaster relief funds 17.60,000 yuan, in addition to donating 100,000 yuan worth of soybean powder material。At the same time, in order to better support the construction of the disaster area, Yantai Shuangta Food Co., Ltd. cooperated with the Shandong Chamber of Commerce to contact the government of the Sichuan earthquake stricken area in time to recruit workers, send employment information and jobs to the victims, and help the compatriots in the disaster area rebuild their homes through employment assistance。The company not only provides free accommodation for compatriots in the disaster area, uniform distribution of bedding and other daily necessities, but also arranges special chefs to do meals that meet their tastes。

       Love to support public welfare undertakings, highlighting corporate social responsibility。Yantai Shuangta Food Co., Ltd. will, as always, give a farewell to their love commitment: do a good job in the enterprise, do not forget to develop public welfare undertakings。